Elite Founders x Navy Seals Program

· 1 min read
Elite Founders x Navy Seals Program
Photo by Jed Villejo / Unsplash

Are you building a startup in Stockholm in November?

Do you want to surround yourself with ambitious and like-minded entrepreneurs to grow and learn together while exercising physically and mentally?

Does this schedule excite you?

  • 7AM - wake up
  • 7:15AM - workout
  • 18:30AM - eat
  • 9AM - work
  • 12:30PM - eat
  • 1PM - work
  • 4:30PM - workout 2
  • 5:30PM - activities
  • 7PM - dinner
  • 8:30PM - work
  • 11PM - lights out

Then the Elite Founders x Navy Seals Program might be for you.

You can now submit your interests over here and be an early member