FW5: The autonomous ferry & Vayapay

· 2 min read
The world's first autonomous ferry opens to the Stockholm pubic today

Last Thursday, Stockholm became the first city in the world to launch an autonomous ferry. That’s according to Stein André Herigstad-Olsen, CEO of Torghatten AS.

The ferry, which begins its short route today between Kungsholmen & Sodermalm, will still employ a captain to oversee the boat's controls.

Torghatten, the transportation firm behind the ferry, is a Norwegian company.

But this week's launch couldn't have happened without the help of Stockholm-based founders  Jay Jensen Jr. and Martin Joakim Flood Hauge of Vayapay.

Founded in 2022, Vayapay provides payment solutions for public transport, electric vehicle charging, and shared mobility solutions, including the autonomous ferry. Congrats to Jay, Joakim and the rest of the ferry team on the launch.

VayaPay founding team


Are you looking for a reliable set of true peers who can relate to your triumphs & push you through challenges?

Last week, I spoke to a big Danish VC about a program we’re launching soon called Growth Leaders. It's a merit-based fellowship designed to elevate exceptional executives through social learning & private events.

I was meeting this VC to share the results of a pilot program we’ve been running since March. Back then, seven CEOs showed up at my home for a three-hour dinner. Our goal was to connect to peers through a structured program that would push us all to grow.

At the dinner, we followed a carefully developed conversation guide full of best practices for self-exploration & trust-building. At the end of the dinner, all seven CEOs committed to meeting at similar sessions throughout the year.

In a survey we sent out last week, every pilot member agreed that this format gives them “a much-needed mix of structured networking, regular accountability, and confidential sharing sessions.” If you believe in net promoter scores, our pilot has an NPS of 100. Of course, actions speak louder than words here–but even so, our attendance record currently stands at 97%.

“Better than therapy. Which I tried. This should be mandatory for all founders” one CEO said in the survey.

“My biggest complaint is why didn't this exist 10 years ago?” another said.

If you want consistent, structured sessions with true peers, apply.


📍 14 June| Brilliant Innovators | SPACE Arena | Invitation only

📍14 June | Women in AI Monthly A | Coquetel Social | Sign up here

📍15 June | Founder / Investor Meetup | TBD | Sign up here

📍15 June | Nordic Fintech Nights | Zimpler Garden | Sign up here

📍17 June | Sthlm Founder’s Coral Summer Party | Patricia | Sign up here

Submit corrections, feedback, or ideas for this update to me, Vincent Weir.