Founders Weekly 002: World Sports Group & Latitude59

Encouragement for the determined, growth-minded founders in Stockholm & beyond.

· 2 min read
Founders Weekly 002: World Sports Group & Latitude59

Are you starved for encouragement from ambitious peers? Are you looking for new sources of positive energy & constructive inspiration? Welcome to Founders Weekly.

When I was feeling the above a few months ago, I started a project called Growth Leaders. It's a community within SFC, and it aims to elevate exceptional startup executives through consistent, structured & confidential learning sessions. We launched a pilot session for eight founder / CEOs in February. Here’s what they're saying:

“I appreciate the structure & consistency of this program. I want this kind of positive consistency in my relationships & professional development.” - Hanna Moisander
“It’s better than therapy because everyone in that room knows the problems I’m going through as a founder.” Linus Holmsäter - Not a Doctor

We're now scaling this program to help more founding teams grow. Apply to join here.

Founder of the Week

At SFC, we help our members build healthy habits so they have the energy to self-start & not settle. Our community started out as a running club, and our weekly runs are still the best way to meet our members in person each week (join our Discord to learn more). Now that summer is here, it’s time to translate training to competition. Member⚡️Dora Palfi ran her personal best at Goteborgsvarvet last week. I myself had a good race here in Sthlm. Later this summer, Erik Åkerfeldt will compete in his first-ever triathlon.

“Excellence is the capacity to take pain” Four Seasons founder, Isadore Sharp

🏆 Building on the quote above, this week’s Founder Award goes to Charlotte Melchert, the founding CEO of World's Sports Group. WSG is a digital platform for endurance sports–the ones that force you to embrace pain and push through it.

Last week, Swedish Tech Weekly / Swedish Tech News covered the 16.2m SEK investment round that Charlotte & team closed earlier in the year. Whether you’re training for a half marathon, triathlon, or any of the other 27 sports featured on WSG, you can find races using their product ahotu, the biggest endurance event calendar in the world.


“One of the best ways to help a society generally is to create events & institutions that bring ambitious people together.” – Paul Graham

📍 Älvsjö | 23-24 May | UF SM - An event where hundreds of startups created by high schoolers present their products, progress & plans for the future.

📍Tallinn | 24-25 May | Mastercard Lighthouse Startup Showcase  - Featuring Sthlm startups Klimato & TrusTrace. Also featuring SFC member Anton Osika as the keynote, Sebnem Erener LL.M. as a panelist, both speaking about the problems and opportunities of AI. I'll be moderating.

Submit corrections, feedback, or ideas for this update to me, Vincent Weir.